Thanks for supporting Patti Stiles' workshops in Amsterdam.
I will not need the full allocated support cause the workshop filled up completely.
I'll send a (little) donation request separately by e-mail.
I am now sending you my entry for the blog:
Patti Stiles: she made us look and feel good!
Canadian (now Australian) improv goddess Patti Stiles has been trained by Keith Johnstone and this was obvious in the 2 workshops she taught in Amsterdam. A lot of Keiths motto's have been misinterpreted over the years, and she has set them straight. This may sound very strict, but Patti is a wonderful person, breathing all improv principles and opening up many new possibilities.
The most impactful day was the second one, especially for improv teachers. She showed us how we hover around what is really important: the motto of Make your partner look good. All improv principles like Yes And, being Aware, etc. derive from that basic motto. Which is more than just a t-shirt motto! We talked about the fact that forbidding players to block, stall, whimp, etc. does not make their fear go away. The fear will come back at other levels.
If you truly want to take their fear away, you need them to start focussing on the other player. If you are making your partner look good, you are not in your head with your own fear.
This, and so many other insights, were the result of Patti's workshop. We hope the new values will quickly spread to the Dutch improv society!
Anja Boorsma
Far Fetched Productions
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